St James, Shireshead


St James, Shireshead was looking for a a brand refresh and the starting point for this was a new logo. They liked the look and feel of the St John’s, Ellel logo of their neighbouring parish and wanted something harmonious but also unique to their community. 

Our initial design was based off their church window design which had this nice overlapping panels pattern. We believe the church window designs represent the individual elements of the trinity but also acknowledging the overlap between them. Although there is no direct link to Jesus, it speaks to the nature of God more holistically and church as a whole whilst also giving a nod to church heritage.

Wanting it to be harmonious with their neighbouring church we decided to keep the primary colours from St John’s design palette but also integrate a new colour into the design. We finally chose a rich dark blue. 

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We developed a primary and secondary logo. St James Church and St James Shireshead. The former to be used on official documentation and the latter to be used within the community. 

This is the first step of a larger re-brand which will go onto include a website and social media engagement work. 

St John's Church