We want to grow as Jesus’ disciples.
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
We Teach
We acknowledge the importance of informed and inspired bible preaching and teaching for a transformed life, believing that the word of God is divinely inspired, living and active.
We emphasize the importance of small group engagement with Scripture, either in a home group, Sunday School, youth group, Jelly Tots, Lent/Advent course or meeting with others to read and study the Bible.
We encourage patterns of personal daily bible study as part of a healthy, sustainable life of discipleship.
We Worship
We Acknowledge that our worship is more than just what we do when we gather together as a Church, our gathered worship is both an expression of love to the God we serve and also fuel for our journey of discipleship.
We seek to honour the traditions of our inherited church while also embracing modern expressions of worship.
We Encourage Spiritual Gifts
Each member of the body of Christ has been given spiritual gifts and these are given to serve the Church and the Kingdom of God for the building up of the Church.
We identify and discern the particular gifts of individuals to enable them to serve the church.
We seek not just the people to get the jobs done but discerning the jobs to get the people done.
We acknowledge that there are certain individuals whom God is calling into leadership in the Church and to serve in authorised ministries – often as a Lay Reader or Ordained minister. We will continue to work with those individuals, providing opportunities to explore ministry and serve the church as well working with the wider diocese to be a space for others to do this at St. John’s