While we are praying for this pandemic to end, it’s an amazing opportunity to explore new creative ways of being Church. New ways to worship together and share the gospel. Church online.
Below are the resources we are creating as a Church whilst we can’t meet together. Spend time exploring them, sharing them and deepening your relationship with Jesus.
As we create more resources, we’ll update this page as well as our Youtube and Facebook pages.
Kids Activities
As well as our resources here, if you’ve got toddler aged children we’d love for you to attend out Jelly Tots Online play group. It meets on 10:30 AM on Wednesday. You can find out more by joining our Jelly Tots facebook group.
VE Day
Video Services
Audio Sermons
Acoustic Worship

Prayer & Support

God loves it when we pray. We speak and he listens. Especially during this period of uncertainty, prayer is essential in keeping us close to God and growing our faith. We would encourage you to add prayer as a daily routine within your life.
If there is something you’d like us to pray with you about, please fill in the from below which send a prayer request to our vicar.
In addition, if there are practical needs you have, please contact us. We have a team of volunteers ready to mobilise to help with practical support such as shopping, picking up perscriptions, etc.