“We want to equip students with the tools to be the next generation of church leaders. ”
Supporting the CU
We are one of the 11 Lancaster churches which work with Lancaster University Christian Union. Our team and congregation are invited to preach and teach the Christian Union as part of their equip evenings as well as the Leadership Training we offer as St John’s Church.
Training Leaders
We don’t want students to simply survive through University but thrive at University. St John’s offers those in the Christian Union industry level leadership training to better enable them to be effective leaders.
Bespoke Training
St John’s Church offers bespoke training to those in Lancaster University Christian Union, particularly it’s leadership. The format is totally down to those receiving the content to best suit them, whether that’s evenings, weekend, residential, etc.
Christian Specific
As well as working at Lancaster University, all of our trainers have experience of Church at a leadership level and are involved with a range of Churches across Lancaster.
Industry Experienced Trainers from Lancaster University
Those delivering the content all currently work at Lancaster University in a leadership role.
Chris Dixon
Chris has over 20 years experience working in technical, management and leadership roles around IT and Engineering as well as over 10 years working as a mentor and coach. He is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and holds a ILM Level 7 qualification in executive coaching and mentoring.
Jess Walmsley
Jess is responsible for supporting the Disability and Inclusion Manager to manage and coordinate aspects of the Disability Service and Transitions Team in Student Wellbeing Services at Lancaster University
Projects and interests include: reasonable adjustments and disabled student support, the promotion and development of inclusive practice at Lancaster and the transitions to and within Higher Education (Ready for University course).
Ruth Harries
Ruth is a project manager in TIG (Technical Infrastructure Group) at Lancaster University and I am responsible for a wide range of projects across the University. She is passionate about the users experience of IT systems, as someone who has not come from an IT background she understands they don't always make sense!
In past she has worked as a youth and community worker for over 5 years in a charity based in the West End of Morecambe.
Try Church
We’d love you to come and visit us at our Sunday service. If you would like us to meet you in advance, or require help with transport, please drop us a line and we would love to help.