Not sure where to start?
Come and visit our Sunday morning service
“Whether you regularly attend church, whether you’ve never been before, we want to extend an open invitation to you to come to St John’s.”
11:00 AM
We gather together in church to worship every Sunday at 11:00 am.
We follow the lectionary as set out by the Church of England, which explores the whole bible over a period of 3 years. We sing a selection of traditional hymns as well as some more modern worship. There is a 15 minute sermon and a time for praying for the world. Communion is shared every week at this service and the service is an hour long.
Refreshments are served after the service as we spend time with each other and getting to know new people.
Sunday school runs parallel to this service. Find out more here.
St John’s Kids
Find out more about Sunday School as well as loads of other church groups for kids of all ages.
What is Communion?
If you’re new to church, you may not have come across communion before. Communion is at the heart of Christian worship. It is celebrated by Christians around the world as a memorial of the death and resurrection of Jesus, in response to his words at the final meal of bread and wine he shared with his disciples, ‘Do this in remembrance of me.’
In communion, God invites us to his table as a foretaste of the heavenly banquet which he has prepared for people of all nations and cultures. Everyone who attends a St John’s church service is welcome to partake in communion. If you don’t feel comfortable you’re welcome to come to the churches altar for a blessing.
How do I get there?
By Car
Our church is easily accessible by car with parking on site. The address of the church is:
St John’s Church,
Chapel Lane, Galgate,
By Bus
The number 40 or 42 bus stops a 2 minute walk away from our church.
Got Questions?
Any questions to have about Sunday at church, just drop us an email and we’ll do our best to answer them.