Christmas Day Celebration
Come and celebrate the birth of Jesus with our all-age Communion.
Come and celebrate the birth of Jesus with our all-age Communion.
Welcome in Christmas Day in a reflective and peaceful service. This candlelit, atmospheric service is a perfect way to take a breath and a moment of solace before the big day.
A bit of festive fun for all ages on Christmas eve. Come and hear the retelling of the Christmas story as we build the crib with our mass of nativity characters. Come dressed in your most festive outfit and expect a lot of seasonal fun.
This candlelit service of Nine Lessons and Carols journeys through the full story of God’s relationship with humanity leading up to the birth of Jesus as God’s Son on earth.
There’s plenty of room in the Inn this Christmas. Come and celebrate Christmas with a drink and a sing-a-long to all your favourite carols in a warm and festive atmosphere. Lyrics will be provided.
A traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols, followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Everyone welcome.
One of the highlights of the build up to Christmas is the service in school during Advent. This is open to everyone but particularly children, families and staff of Ellel School. Turn up early for coffee and bacon butties.
The countdown to Christmas seems to start earlier each year, but in Galgate we say it officially starts when we turn the Christmas lights on. Join in the fun as the Christmas lights are turned on at Church (rumour has it Santa will be there too!)
We will be filling the church with as many nativity crib sets as we can possibly cram in. Each has its own story as to why it is special to the owner. Delicious cakes will be available throughout the event as well as craft stalls.
Repeat of last year’s activities but hopefully much enlarged and stalls in grounds.
Pie and crumble sizes to be standardised and orders to be taken up until 11th October. Extra goods to be available for sale on the day.
Stalls selling apple goodies in Church grounds. Recipes for cakes and biscuits available in advance.
A service to re-dedicate the Ellel War Memorial led by the Archdeacon.
The service will start outside by the war memorial before continuing inside.
Refreshments available from 9:45 AM, service starts at 10:30 AM
It’s 100 years of Galgate and Ellel’s war memorial. There’s lots to celebrate and commemorate.
War memorial to be restored with help of grants, and then reconsecrated that weekend.
Exhibition in Church.
Village trail to be included in souvenir booklet.
Afternoon Teas served in Church grounds, if possible.
And more
Stay tuned as we update you nearer the time.
Treat yourself to afternoon tea as you follow the Ellel War Memorial WW1 & 2 History Trail
If you down to the Church on Sunday, you're sure of a big surprise! we're holding a Teddy Bears' Picnic, aimed at Under 5s and their families.
There will be craft activities and games, as well as a picnic tea and an opportunity to have your photo taken with Gregory the Great! You may also like to see your teddy parachute from the top of the Church Tower!!
It would be great if you could email Helen Ballard (helen@stjohnsellel.co.uk) if you are coming to help us with catering!
Hope to see you there!
Join us as we share in a BBQ together after our morning service. More details to follow .
Join as young people and adults get confirmed into the Church of England with tea included afterwards. More details to follow.
Join us for our Amazing Galgate Automotive Treasure Hunt on Sunday, April 25th, a treat for all the family.
Starts will be staggered, leaving Church between 1.30 and 2.30 and the adventure should take about 1 hour.
A picnic tea will be served in your car on your return.
The cost per car with 2 occupants will be £10 and additional passengers charged at £2.50 each, to cover refreshments.
Come and join with the local community as we tend and care for Ellel graveyard. Refreshments included. Come for 5 minutes or for the whole time.
We're offering a delivery and local pickup service of luxury afternoon teas for you or a loved one.
Each portion of Afternoon Tea includes:
A selection of sandwiches
A savoury pastry
A selection of cakes
A scone with jam and cream
Every portion will be freshly prepared and delivered to your home in a COVID secure way on either after 1 PM on Saturday 13th March or after 1 PM on Sunday 14th March.
Local delivery is only available in Galgate, Forton or Lancaster. If you live outside this area you can collect your afternoon teas from Galgate after 1 PM.
A suggested donation for each wonderful treat is £10.00 and all proceeds will go to the work and mission of St John's Church, Ellel.
Payment upon delivery, unless you're ordering for someone else in which case payment must be arranged beforehand.
Deadline for orders is 12 PM (Midday) Sunday 7th March.
It’s been a funny sort of year and many of us have missed out on treats this year, like cream teas in the summer!
We want to offer you the chance to enjoy the luxury of a Cream Tea in your own home, or as a treat for loved ones.
Each Tea for One will include
A selection of sandwiches
A savoury pastry
A selection of cakes
and, of course, A scone with jam and cream!
This will be freshly-prepared and delivered to your home in a COVID secure way on Saturday, November 14th. Delivery only available in Galgate, Forton, and Lancaster.
A suggested donation for each wonderful treat is £7.50 and all proceeds will go to the work and mission of St. John’s, Ellel.
Only 40 orders available – get your order in quickly!
Deadline 12.00 noon on Sunday, November 8th.
Join us for the Amazing Galgate Automotive Treasure Hunt on Sunday 25th October. A treat for all the family.
Start time is staggered between 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM from St John’s Church, Ellel and the adventure should take about an hour. A picnic tea will be served to your car from the Church upon your return at the end of the treasure hunt.
Cost £10 per car (including 2 people) and an additional £2.50 per additional person. You can pay with cash on the day or you can contact us at website@stjohnsellel.co.uk for contactless payment options such as BACS.
Book your space (1 ticket per car) below. If you have any issues booking contact website@stjohnsellel.co.uk
Livestream Interactive Sunday school
Join the Live stream at facebook.com/stjohnsellel
Bishop Jill, the Bishop of Lancaster will be leading and preaching at our Mothering Sunday service.
Join the Live stream at facebook.com/stjohnsellel
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called, along with fellow church leaders, for a day of prayer and action this coming Sunday - Mothering Sunday (22nd March). Mothering Sunday has always been both a day of celebration for many and a sensitive and emotional day for some.
Wherever you are this Sunday please do join in this day of prayer and action and remember especially those who are sick or anxious, and all involved in our Health Service.
As one action, we are calling on everyone to place a lighted candle in their window at 7.00 p.m. as a sign of solidarity and hope in the light of Christ that can never be extinguished.