The Last Supper

Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of the Last Supper

Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of the Last Supper

Jesus decides to spend passover with a small group of friends, away from the crowds of followers. We now know this as the last supper. During the meal, Jesus blessed the bread and the wine. saying “This is my body, given for you. Eat it in my memory.” and “This cup is the new promise written in my blood, blood poured out for you.” It’s this act which has become know was communion or eucharist in every church across the world.

There are conflicting accounts about whether Judas was at the meal. What is certain is being one of Jesus’ closest friends, he would have known where and when the meal was happening as well as the plans for afterwards.

Jesus continued to talk and teach with his friends. At about midnight, Jesus and his friends left to pray. He went to a quiet place that he often visited, a park called Gethsemane. Jesus is recorded to have started his prayer with “Father, it’s time.” (Read Jesus’ full prayer here).

What Gethsemane Garden looks like today

What Gethsemane Garden looks like today

Knowing Jesus would be in Gethsemane, Judas led the religious leaders, roman guards and local police to him. Jesus was promptly arrested and put on trial. By today’s judicial standards we would consider Jesus’ trial to be a mistrial. Not only did it happen outside of court hours and not all officials were present but fake witnesses were called who gave false testimony. Notably though, not a single one of Jesus’ closest friends spoke up in defence of Jesus. They hid aware of how vicious and unforgiving the Roman justice system can be.

St John's Church